So you walk around doing nothing but your best. Being kind, working hard, playing by the rules, loving openly without restrictions and just generally trying to keep everything above water. But sometimes, despite your best efforts people will treat you like shit; they will demean you and act below the line of acceptable behavior.

Before you go off and blame yourself  just remember: some people are just miserable bastards. They just are, and there is nothing you can do about it. Don’t lower yourself to their level. Tell yourself you are loved, remind yourself it’s their problem and not yours and move on! Tomorrow is a new day!

And you know what? Take pity on that miserable bastard, because no matter what they won’t be satisfied with anything. You stop to smell the roses and know what genuine happiness is. So hold onto that, you are already 10 steps ahead!

And I know sometimes it’s hard, and it hurts, but please, don’t ever let the miserable bastards get you down!

Love Jecca xx



December 10, 2010

  • Guess what? YOU have the ability to change your mind. Gasp! I know I know, totally new idea right?
  • Spoon with a person you just met, especially a cute one!
  • Hey YOU, yes YOU, stop eating with your fucking disgusting mouth open. 
  • Have you written your Christmas cards? Do it right now! Don’t be such a grinch-slacker!
  • No baby talk thank you very much, you’re adult and you’re making me sick.
  • Sneakers and jeans? Sure, wear them if you want, but don’t expect to get laid ever again.
  • Put your phone away – I absolutely do not want to see a photo slide show of your stupid DOG. No no, really, I don’t fucking care.
  • There is no magical fix for anything, the sooner you realise this the better.
  • Dress appropriately for your body type, it won’t automatically look good on you if it’s in fashion, find a way to make it work for you or don’t wear it at all.
  • Are you moisturising your whole body like I told you to AGES ago?
  • Don’t whine, please please just shut up and stop whining.
  • For guaranteed smiles get some photos developed and stick them all around the place.
  • Try to avoid keeping your social life restricted to the weekends, do fun stuff during the week too, I don’t care if your tired, your making ME tired with all of this complaining.
  • Ummm, sorry, but is that an ugly pair of knickers I see in your drawer? Dispose of them right now, there is only time for cute underwear in this life – that way you can be prepared at all times for sex/accidental Marilyn Monroe moments. Dudes, this applies to you too.
  • If you make the choice to forgive someone then you are the asshole if you bring it up in future arguments.
  • Advent calendars make it socially acceptable to eat chocolate for breakfast.
  • No no, tights are not pants, if I can see your crotch you’ve got it all wrong.
  • Stop trying so hard. I’m sure your cool enough to just be yourself!
  • 87 cups of green tea and a face mask will not reverse the effects of your alcohol binge from last night, but it’s peace of mind nonetheless –  and there’s a small chance it’s doing something.
  • If it takes you more than 2 weeks to reply to a message on Facebook or an email, then you are a bad friend. Take the 2 minutes to reply, even if just to say “I’m so sorry, my house blew up and I broke both of my hands, so I’m using my nose to type, will write back properly in a few weeks.”
  • In this life not everyone is going to like you. I know, it sucks because your totally rad. 
  • Give your Mum a break, she gave birth to you! Do you have any idea how painful that was?
  • If someone wants to do something nice for you then stop protesting and just let them.
  • Smile darling.

Jecca xx


June 28, 2010

Yes, I have been hiding.

Hiding from myself and the world.

I feel like time has sped up, my head is spinning.


I haven’t felt like writing, don’t know what I want to write so I’m just going to type and see where this goes…stick with me now my darlings.

Mr. Argentina and his friends left last week and I was so sad, even though I tried to be tough.

He held me and wiped away my tears, just like in the movies, he told me I was amazing and that he would miss me too, but that we would see each other again sometime in the near future. I believe him.

I’m much better now, but I am really missing them still, missing his company, but I will be just fine, I’ve already lived through bad things and know that this is just a sad few days.

You might be thinking I’m being dramatic, that I should just toughen up and get on with it, but you don’t understand, I fall in love with people VERY easily. Not boys in particular, but People. I could fall for a girl in 5 minutes and be best friends with her for the rest of my life. That’s how easily I fall, and there is nothing wrong with that, it’s just me. I trust somebody right from the beginning, give them everything and then if they fuck it up, then I back away, I start with high expectations and then hope for the best. Am I naive? Yes probably, but I think it’s nice not to be so fucking guarded, everyone is guarded these days, playing games and being cruel. Just be nice, expect the best from people and most of the time that is what you will get, you generally get back what you perpetuate. Call it Karma, call it whatevs, I don’t care, just don’t be so guarded. Yes, you might get hurt, but guess what? You will survive! Amazing isn’t it? Have a little faith in yourself and your capabilities, you might be pleasantly surprised (or massively disappointed, sorry if you are!)

I’ve also observed some weird things in the last few weeks, things which have made me question people’s happiness. From what I’ve seen unhappiness can manifest in weird ways and can result in very odd behavior, unhappiness can turn you into someone you’re NOT.

If you are unhappy then do something about it, and quickly…before you turn up to work one day with a shotgun hidden down your bra/pants.

I’m going to try to stop spinning now, I’ve indulged myself for a few days but that’s quite enough.

Be happy my dears

Jecc xx

The Grind: Part 1

November 9, 2009

A few things that have been grinding my gears:

1. The font style ‘Arial’ – so boring, I have to use it at work and even exclamation points don’t make it look more entertaining/interesting!

2. When people at work use the phrase “I just wanted to advise you.” ADVISE me! That’s overuse of the English language. How about I “advise” you that you’re a Fuckwit?

3. Being hungover and starving but being too scared to leave the house in case people on the street judge you for looking like a mess/wild animal.

4. Ed Hardy and people who wear it:

Bret Michaels


5. Girls who wear Boob tube, ass skimming dresses out on a Saturday night when it’s hailing. COVER UP bitches, it’s a coat, not man repellent. No one wants a girl with goose pimpled flesh (well, maybe dudes wearing Ed Hardy)

6. Honking your car horn when the traffic clearly ISN’T moving.  Please shut the fuck up.

7. Girls who wear scrunchies. You know who you are and I needn’t explain myself because you KNOW why I have brought this up!  I hope your shame eats you alive.

8. 3pm to 5pm – useless times of the day, nothing good happens between these hours, best to be napping when this time occurs.

9. Girls who have boyfriends who think you (the single girl) are an instant threat, don’t flatter yourself !

10. People who get into an elevator and ride DOWN 1 floor – there is a special place in Hell for you.