Reckless Abandon

June 8, 2010

Last Tuesday Mr. Argentina and his buddies where going away for the night, they really wanted me to go along, but I had work.

I wrestled with myself for about 40 seconds before I decided, I thought “fuck it” I’m gonna go, be reckless, abandon my responsibilities at work and just leave for 24 hours, I was sold! Then I lied and told Mr Argentina I would think about it. And yes, game playing is absolute shit, and horrid, but sometimes a girl just wants to play! This was nice game playing, not mean game playing.

Anyways, I digress (as per usual)

I went away, it was fun, I bonded with one of his close female friends and it was so cool. Mr Argentina and I even got to play grown-ups and have our own room at the hostel we stayed at (yes, I stayed at a hostel, I’m into trying new things at the moment, and it ain’t so bad!) He was all carrying my luggage, opening doors and leading the way…very ‘Mr Argentina takes charge’ and I was loving it. Every single second.

I’ve always thought there was something SO awesome about staying in a hotel with a lover (Lover? What am I? Joan Collins?!) anyways, it’s like you can be somebody else, and you get to see them out of their comfort zone…all vulnerable in a new place, negotiating maps, talking to strangers and asking for advice, jumping on the bed together…will you both eat from the mini bar? Will you change your name when you meet strangers? Who KNOWS! The possibilities are endless! ENDLESS!

I must credit the legendary Tim Walker for this amazing picture.

Go away, step out of your life, even if it’s just for the night!

I Double Double DARE YOU!

Jecc xx